Disabled Veteran Slams Neighbor Who Left Him A Nasty Note

A disabled military veteran in Texas has shut down a nasty note he found on his car that criticized him for using a handicapped parking spot as his apartment complex.

The veteran, who has not been identified but is believed to live in Austin, claims to have received a message from a neighbor who said he doesn't 'look handicapped'.

He responded to the message with a typed-out letter in which he explained to the angry neighbor that not all disabilities are visible and that his license plate is a 'disabled veteran' plate.

The note he claims to have received, which a friend posted to Reddit, read: 'Stop parking in handicap spots!!!! You DO NOT have a sticker nor do you look handicapped.

View post on imgur. I have taken a picture of your license plate. Sent it to the office for towing by the courtesy officer. Stop being a jerk!!'

After receiving the note, which he found on a sign near his car, the vet photocopied the message, wrote his letter, and re-posted it outside for the angry neighbor, who he calls a 'passive aggressive d****e', to see.

He wrote: 'In the state of Texas, if a vehicle has DISABLED VETERAN license plates, that veicle is not required, BY LAW, to have a handicapped placard displayed, nor a handicapped emblem on the license plate, UNLESS that vehicle is parked on FEDERAL property.

'If you had bothered to spend 30 seconds and pull the miniature computer out of your pocket to research this then you would have never needed to leave me this offensive note. Considering that you took a picture of my license plate that says: DISABLED VETERAN U.S. ARMED FORCES.

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In Texas, if a car has a 'Disabled Veteran U.S. Armed Forces' license plate (pictured above), the vehicle does not need a handicap sticker to use handicap parking spots

'But it's cool. You probably just let your emotions get the best of you and felt like being a social justice hero.'

He then questioned the neighbor's idea of what a handicapped person looks like.

'Although I may not "look" handicapped to you, I can assure you that the amount of pain I feel from walking due to combat-sustained injuries far supersedes any level of pain you have ever felt in your entire life. Or maybe not.....Who am I to say? After all, I don't even know who you are,' he wrote.

'By the way, I would love to hear what your idea of a handicapped person "looks" like,' he added.

The veteran finished off the note by telling the neighbor he would frame the original note so he could 'look at it everyday as to remind myself what kind of person NOT to be'.

He signed off his note, 'The guy who doesn't look handicapped'.

It is unknown which military branch the disabled veteran was a member of.

The veteran said he used the handicap parking spot because he suffers sever walking pain from 'combat-sustained injuries'

Note from angry Austin apartment neighbor (above) and appropriate Army vet response (below) : Austin


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